This accessible ebooklet series is free of charge.
It has been created for those with different learning styles and needs who often experience barriers to learning and research when using online platforms and formats.
Resources that are in video and audio formats have been given priority, as well as text documents that can be read with assistive technology. Music and spoken word have also been included.
In keeping with the spirit of accessibility, the vast majority of the online resources cited within the ebooklets are free of charge. Feminist Law Society is not paid to include any content in the ebooklets. Only three sources, of the over 100 feminist law resources cited within Volume 1 are behind a paywall, and are only included for the purpose of signposting. Paywalls only appear when an alternative, wholly accessible, resource has not been found.
All resources cited within the PDF ebooklets are accessed through hyperlinks to external websites.
- Ebooklet Volume 1: published on 29 June 2020
- Ebooklet Volume 2: coming soon